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Merry Christmas and Happy 2015 to you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Five Questions Each for 2014

Henry, 12

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do with your free time (before school, after school and on weekends)?
A: MINECRAFT! and other assorted computer games, both on PC and mobile. I also have a rarely updated blog, World of Henry. I have my own YouTube channel, MinersKeepers.  You can take a look at my first video right here!
Q: What are some things you like about school? What are some activities with which you are involved?

A:  I really enjoy Latin and attending Classical Conversations weekly.  I have been taking fencing lessons and attend youth group. I'd like to upload videos to YouTube, but my mom's not ready for that yet.

Q: What are some of your favorite books? Why?

A:  Recently I've enjoyed The Ratbridge Chronicles (which inspired the 2014 movie The Boxtrolls, in theaters September, 26, rated PG).
Q: What are some of your favorite memories from this past year?
A:  California!!  Legoland, hotels, RV, Joshua Tree National Park,etc. (Henry is pictured at the Huntington, above, and the Kate in the LA Arboretum, below).

Q: What would you like to do in 2015?

A: I'd love a job to save for a gaming computer and to continue uploading to YouTube. 

Katie, 9 

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do with your free time (before school, after school and on weekends)?

A: I like to hang out with my friends and watch Disney Channel. I play on my iPod and Kindle Fire a lot.

Q: What are some things you like about school? What are some activities with which you are involved?

A:  I like handwriting and IEW (writing) - I think I have really improved.  I enjoy seeing friends at CC on Thursdays.  I also take African dance classes and attend youth group. I recently was on the radio as the Weather Kid. It was exciting to see what people do at the radio everyday and to be on the air live with so many people listening!
Q: What are some of your favorite books? Why?

A: I am reading Little House on the Prairie. I like how the book tells you how they lived in the 1800s.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories from this past year?

A: Some of my favorite memories are going to California, going to Aunt Jaime's wedding with my cousins Jessica and Juliana and getting a new uncle! Most of all, I am happy that my dad became a lawyer and that he will be taking the Maryland Bar exam. 
Q: What would you like to do in 2015?

A: Hear that my dad has a law job in MD.  

Derek - Master of the House 

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do with your free time (before school, after school and on weekends)? 

A:  I still haven't really forced myself to have much free time.  I spent the summer catching up on work around the house, and have been otherwise trying to develop my legal resume.  We have been able to do quite a few "pizza and movie" nights on Fridays, and that has been fun.

Q: What are some things you like about school? What are some activities with which you are involved?

A: I'm no longer in school, which is weird. I am, however, studying for the Maryland bar exam, so I'm still learning and practicing.  I enjoy the challenge of applying my understanding of the law to a set of facts so that I can (hopefully) breeze through the exam questions quickly. 

Q: What are some of your favorite books? Why?

A: Although I've had more free reading time this last year than I have had in the past four years, I haven't really taken advantage of it with anything too memorable. I recently finished Cure by Robin Cook, but I don't think it was quite as good as some of his other books.  Some of the narrative was very elementary and slow, but the plot was fun.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories from this past year?

A:  My favorite memories were from our trip to California.  The bar exam was a tough but rewarding experience by itself. Graduation, our tour of So. Cal., and our time away as a family made the trip one to remember. 

Q: What would you like to do in 2015?  

A:  I would really like to pass the Maryland bar exam, and even start practicing law, in 2015. I would really love to escape to someplace nice for our 20th anniversary.

Susan - COO, School Marm

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do with your free time (before school, after school and on weekends)?

A: I enjoy baking when the mood hits and being with friends as time permits!  I'm thinking of knitting something again, we'll see how that goes.  The vest I mentioned in the 2010 blard was just finished this past March by my mom! I've also found trying to format this blog is quite time consuming. I've done my best, friends.

Q: What are some things you like about school? What are some activities with which you are involved?

A: The kids and I are involved for the second year with a Classical Conversations (CC) community about an hour away. We've made good friends and our weekly classes are fun and challenging (perfect!).  Five years of homeschooling - who would have guessed!  We are so thankful for this opportunity.

Q: What are some of your favorite books? Why?

I rarely read (shame, shame), but I was able to read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society this year.  I was done with it in three days!  It was endearing and intriguing.  As some may know, I am a bit of an Anglophile and since homeschooling, I've really enjoyed history so much more. This was a win-win.  The next one on my list is The Oblate's Confession by a local author...Henry and I are sharing it.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories from this past year?

A:  Of course, our long awaited trip to California and the greatly anticipated news that Derek passed the CA Bar top the list!  Jaime and Chris' wedding in June and surprising my mom for her birthday are other highlights. Everyday heart-warmers are spending time with family and friends near and far, in person or via technology.

Q: What would you like to do in 2015?

Have Derek done with studying law and enjoying a legal job - that would be desire number one!  The rest will fall into place!

 Please stay in touch!  Love and Hugs to all!!